Penn State AAC Mentor Project - Sharing the Knowledge of AAC Users
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What is a mentor?

A mentor is someone who provides "a brain to pick, a shoulder to cry on, and a kick in the pants."

In our daily lives, we all encounter problems at home, at school, at work, or in the community. A mentor is someone who acts as a trustworthy resource to turn to when there is a problem.

Often we also have goals that we wish to achieve. A mentor can provide guidance and encouragement as we work towards our goals. A mentor can serve as a role model, a guide, a friend, a counselor, and an advisor.

A protégé is someone who benefits from the mentor’s encouragement, knowledge and experience. A protégé may be of any age – a child, an adolescent, or an adult. Frequently protégés are going through significant transitions in their lives.

While all of us may benefit from the support that a mentor can provide, mentors may serve a special role for people who have disabilities. People with disabilities face unique challenges in all aspects of their daily lives from education to independent living to personal relationships. These challenges make it harder to solve problems and achieve goals.

Furthermore, people with disabilities may have limited access to others with similar disabilities who have successfully overcome these challenges and met their educational, vocational, social, and personal goals. Frank Bowe, a well-known advocate for people with disabilities, explained that mentors with similar disabilities and experiences are frequently better aware of the needs of people with disabilities and better informed about resources and strategies to solve problems than are rehabilitation professionals. Many times mentors offer a very unique friendship. Because mentors have "been there," they may better understand how protégés may feel. Often they have personal insights and experiences to share that may be helpful in solving problems.
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About This Site bullet Establishing a Mentor Project bullet Outcomes bullet Further Information bullet Conclusion
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