Mentor Leadership Training Course


Self-Check Role Play #3

bullet  What To Do

Now you will have another chance to role play being a mentor. Remember to ask questions to encourage your partner to use DO IT!

Now you will have the chance to practice being a mentor in another role play:

  • Read the message from the adolescent or young adult.
  • Respond to the message as you would if you were the mentor.
  • Remember to ask questions to encourage your partner to use the DO IT! strategy to solve problems and set goals.
  • Once you have responded, check your answer yourself to see if you remembered to use the DO IT! strategy.

bullet  Self-Check Role Play

George is 24 years old. He is attending college. He has cerebral palsy and uses AAC. He sent this message to his mentor:

protege "The bus didn't show up to take me to class today. I had booked it last week, but I just waited and waited and it never came. I ended up missing my class."

Pretend you are George's mentor. What would you write back to George?

  1. Enter your "message" in the box below.

  2. Message:

  3. Re-read your message and make changes (as necessary).
  4. Check to see if you remembered to ask questions to encourage George to use the DO IT! strategy to solve this problem.
  • Did you ask specific questions to encourage George to describe his problem and outline ways to solve this problem? Find the sentences in your message that do this.
  • For example, you could write "George, it sounds like you are having a frustrating time with the bus service. Can you tell me a bit more about the problem? Is this the first time that the bus hasn't come. Or does it happen a lot? What options are there for transportation where you are? What are some potential solutions to this problem. Let me know and we can try to figure out which plan is best."
  • Did you remember NOT to tell George what to do and solve the problem for him?

continue  If you asked questions to encourage George to use the DO IT! strategy, then you are ready to try the next role play. Click here to try another role play.

review If you had difficulty asking questions to encourage George to use the DO IT! strategy, review the lesson again before you do the next role play. Click here to go back and review the lesson again.

Designed and maintained by:

The AAC Mentor Project Team
Penn State University
Last updated October, 2002.
mailComments on the Site

Helping adolescents and young adults who use AAC overcome challenges and meet their goals at home, at school, at work, and in the community!

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research This research is supported by Grant #H133G8004 from The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research and no official endorsement should be inferred.