Mentor Leadership Training Course
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D Describe the specific problem or the goal Ask your partner the following questions:
  • What is the specific problem? or What is the specific goal?
  • What would be different for you if you solve this problem or meet this goal?
  • Who else is involved? What do they think?
O Outline lots of ways to solve the problem or meet the goal Ask your partner the following questions:
  • What can you do to solve your problem or meet your goal?
  • Remember to think of lots of possible plans!
I Identify the consequences of each plan and choose the best plan
  • What will happen if you follow each of these plans?
  • What assistance will you need?
  • Which is the best plan?
T Take action Ask your partner the following questions:
  • What are the steps you need to take to achieve your plan?
  • Take the first step!
  • Are you making progress toward your goal?
! Celebrate success when your protege meets the goal!
  • When your partner reaches his/her goal, share the news and celebrate his/her success!

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Designed and maintained by:

The AAC Mentor Project Team
Penn State University
Last updated June, 2000.