Appendices materials for


ÒA child needs to be given a chance to succeedÓ:

Parents of Individuals who use AAC

Describe the Benefits and Challenges of Learning AAC Technologies


David McNaughton


Tracy Rackensperger


Elizabeth Benedeck


Carole Krezman


Michael B. Williams


Janice Light




Manuscript appears in Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 24, p 43-55.


Appendix A

Question heading

Question text

Selection of device

What role did you play in the selection of the device?

 - Did you agree with the need for a device?

 - Were you shown options?

 - What weight was given to your opinion?

Learning to use the device

How was your child taught to use his/her device ?

 - How often did your child practice?

 - What activities enhanced device learning?

 - Where did your child practice?

 - Who assisted your child in practicing?

 - Is there a "cost" to this practice (does it take you away from other

 things you wanted/needed to do)?

Access to device

How often does your child have access to the device for communication?

Maintaining the device

How were you taught to maintain your child's device (charge battery, program vocabulary, contact tech support)?

Past and recent devices

How has learning the most recent device differed from learning the first device your child used?

Interaction with other individuals who use AAC

Has your child ever had a conversation with a more experienced AAC user?  If so, how has this impacted your child's learning of his/her device?

Reactions from others

What reaction does your child get from others to the use of the device?

 - What effect does the reaction of others have on your child's use of the device?

 - What techniques have you found to be helpful in helping people develop positive attitudes?

Dealing with challenging situations

What does your child do when...

 - Someone does not understand the device. How did your child learn to do this?

 - Someone does not want to pay attention to your child. How did your child learn to do this?

 - The AAC device does not work. How did your child learn to do this?

Change in technology

What recommendations do you have for changes in technology?

Change in teaching use of device

What recommendations for changes do you have in how your child learns to make use of their device?

Impact of SLPs

What are the three things an SLP has done for your child that helped him/her most in learning his/her device? What are the three things an SLP has done for your child that were least effective in helping him/her learn his/her device?




Appendix B: Operational Definitions of Coding Themes

1. Selection of an AAC device: Description of assessment/decision activities, including advice received from others about selecting a device, and issues related to funding.

2. Knowledge and skills needed to use the AAC system: The knowledge needed to make competent use of an AAC system. Includes operational competence, linguistic competence, social competence, and strategic competence.

3. Barriers to learning: Factors that serve to impede learning to make effective use of AAC technology (once AAC technology has been identified or recommended)

4. Teaching the individual: The activities used to gain proficiency in the use of an AAC system. Includes instruction provided by others, self-directed learning activities, as well as evidence of success.

5. Educating society: The activities used to train communication partners to accept and understand an individualÕs use of AAC

6. Recommendations to others: Suggestions regarding ways of overcoming barriers to the successful acquisition and use of AAC systems. Includes recommendations to individuals who use AAC, service providers, technology developers, and the general public.

7. Unrelated statement: Comment or question that is unrelated to learning to making use of an AAC device. (E.g., "Hi everyone, it is great weather here!").